Donate now to help save inherently good dogs. Pit bull “type” dog are the most abused, murdered and discriminated against dog on earth. They are force bred, sold, fought and dumped in overcrowded shelters. Society wrongly vilifies them and has perpetuated fear based ignorance for over four decades. What is happening to dogs labeled “pit bulls” is not just an ethical treatment of animals issue. It is in fact a broken human and society issue therefore everyone’s problem. No organization can fix what happening alone. We must all do our part and your tax deductible contribution will help and makes you part of the solution. Thank you.

Other Ways to Donate


Donating appreciated stock provides a double benefit: a tax deduction for the stock’s current full market value and no capital gains tax is paid on the appreciation.

*This information is not intended to replace professional advice. Please confer with your tax advisor.


Some companies elect to match their employee gifts to non-profits, providing an excellent way to double or even triple the value of your gift to the velvet hippos. ADD LINK?