We encourage you all to educate yourselves on what law makers, city council members and candidates in your states, cities and counties support BSL and make your voice heard. Take time drafting fact filled intelligent letters and emails to these people and let them know they will not receive your votes or support if they continue to stand behind ignorance and fear based discrimination. Let your local media know. Create informative pages, platforms and sites where people can learn the facts about who the decision makers are in their communities. Post the letters you write so as to help and encourage others and don’t stop. Be diligent. We encourage you to plan rallies, marches and peaceful demonstrations so as to raise awareness of the unjust hate targeted at Pitbull type dogs.
The more you educate yourselves, the more you can educate others. Stop relying on rescues and foundations to take on all the battles. YOU HAVE THE POWER TO BE HEARD AND EFFECTIVE! Breed discrimination laws are factually INEFFECTIVE, do NOT make our communities safer and are costing tax payers MILLIONS of dollars to enforce.
Educate all people, not just Pibble or pet owners. You don’t have to own a Pibble or pet of any kind to support ending injustice. Many people want to help make communities safe for human and pets but they don’t know how to do it. It’s up to us to tell them. This is not just “crazy animal people’s” problem, this is EVERYONE’S problem. It’s time the focus be on the dangerous and irresponsible humans holding the leash and uneducated law makers holding the pens. Factually, those who commit violence against animals will likely and most often times DO go on to commit crimes against humans. Humans who support discrimination and abuse animals are more dangerous to our communities and society than ANY dog could ever be.
‪#‎standupforpits‬ ‪#‎betheirvoice‬ ‪#‎truth‬ ‪#‎endBSL‬ ‪#‎enddiscrimination‬ ‪#‎educate‬‪#‎advocate‬